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What is DDA in paid search?


Brian Plant
| Last Updated:
August 30, 2024

Here are the key points about Data-Driven Attribution (DDA) in paid search:


  • DDA is an algorithmic model that analyzes conversion data to assign credit to different touchpoints in the customer journey that lead to a conversion.

How it works

  • Uses machine learning to analyze clicks and interactions across paid search campaigns.

  • Compares converting and non-converting paths to understand the impact of different touchpoints.

  • Assigns fractional credit to touchpoints based on their estimated contribution to conversions

Differences from last-click attribution

  • Considers full conversion path rather than just last click.

  • Provides more balanced credit across touchpoints.

  • Offers a more accurate picture of channel/keyword performance.


  • Improved ROI through better budget allocation.

  • A more holistic view of customer journey.

  • Better understanding of upper-funnel keyword impact.

  • Fairer attribution across channels

Requirements (for Google Ads)

  • At least 3,000 ad interactions and 300 conversions in past 30 days.

  • Needs to maintain minimum thresholds to continue using DDA.


  • Available in Google Ads

  • Also offered in Search Ads 360 for cross-engine campaign management

  • WorkMagic


  • Requires significant conversion volume

  • More complex to implement than simpler models

  • May not capture offline factors impacting conversions

In summary, DDA aims to provide a more accurate, data-driven approach to attribution in paid search compared to traditional models like last-click, though it does have some implementation requirements and limitations to consider.

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